Deliver a more sustainable LPG, by blending in our renewable DME
We make Oberon's rDME fuels from renewable feedstocks, like biogas and organic wastes, and supply LPG firms worldwide. Using the Oberon process, and depending on the feedstock, we deliver rDME fuel with a low or even negative carbon intensity (CI). The California Air Resources Board (CARB) estimated our process could make renewable DME with a -278 CI*.​
Blend up to 20%; get up to 60% lower carbon intensity (CI)

Example of LPG – rDME fuel blending.
Commercial deployments and trials happening worldwide
Oberon built and operates the world’s first commercial-scale production plant for renewable DME, with a capacity of 1.5 million gallons per year. Major firms have validated our value proposition, including:

We are currently in discussions with major LPG companies regarding early, preferential access to our product and/or long-term, high-volume offtake agreements.
Additionally, the World LPG Association and others support the use of renewable DME by the industry; and Oberon is active in groups including:

* The CI of Oberon's rDME fuel can vary based on many factors, as well as the CI of blends made with it.